Muzikanten profiel van Gitarist en Zanger / Zangeres BartDuin

Gebruiker: BartDuin


1e instrument: Gitaar
2e instrument: Zang


I've been playing in bands and writing/recording music since my late teens. Started out on various forms of metal. My favorite music around that time was blackmetal, numetal, grunge and rock. My taste for music broadened over the years. Played bass in most of the bands I played in. Currently forming a band around a rock/grunge sound. Worktitle is Advanced Alien Gardening Machines. As in... things for gardening right? I sing and play guitar. Wrote and recorded some material we can work from. After some general singing courses I currently follow rocksinging classes. You know, for that twang and that touch of distortion we all crave for.
